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IWG Cooking Club

  • 23 Jun 2016
  • 10:30 - 13:30
  • Förstergäschen, 7 Nürnberg-Fischbach
  • 7


Registration is closed


 Cooking Club It is a great social experience, a chance to share your favorite recipes with others. You will learn more about cooking in a very nice and privet atmosphere and share the know-how about food, life and culture. You can create a self-made recipe book controlled, cooked and taste-tested by yourself.

All participants must be willing to host a gathering whether it is at home or at another location. The hostess decides how many guests she can accommodate and which 3 or 4 courses the group will cook. She will need to buy everything to prepare the lunch for the amount of participants she can host. A Cooking Club means cooking together so all recipes will be handed out on the day itself. When the food is prepared it is time to enjoy the lunch.


Costs: all costs will be divided between the group.

Time: 2nd Thursday of the month 10.30 – 13.30 / 14.00

Leader: Anna Liss, 0911 49066618 or 01725763724

International Women's Group e.V. in Herzogenaurach, Germany | Impressum

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